Becoming a member of Butcher’s Manifesto is serious business – we actually want to change the world of crafted meat. Therefore, you can only become a member if you can comply to our five manifesto values and are endorsed by any of our existing members. If you apply without endorsements, you need to tell us in an informal letter, why you want to become a member and how you can contribute to Butcher’s Manifesto. Farmers, producers, sellers, food activists and anyone who is promoting the butchery craft can apply for membership.

Joining the Butcher’s Manifesto means committing to an active effort to revitalize a dying trade. It is vital to keep education up to date as well as established professional butchers. Therefore, it is crucial  to preserve traditions, techniques and methods and combine them with the needs of the modern world to ensure that future generations of butchers understand and appreciate the rationale.

How to apply?

If you haven’t been endorsed by an active member of the Butcher’s Manifesto please send in informal letter to hello@butchersmanifesto.com. Tell us who you are, what you do as a professional, why you want to join Butcher’s Manifesto and how you can contribute to the cause. Our board members will  evaluate your application and if you get  approved, we will support you with the next  opportunity to sign the manifesto and meet other members. That might be at a pop-up event, with an Ambassador of Butcher’s Manifesto or at our yearly Summit

How to become a supporter:

People can support the Butcher’s Manifesto by making a unique donation to the cause. Request more information at: hello@butchersmanifesto.com